Our paper on tensor products for permutative categories is now online! Why are you running away?! It's actually very nice!
The title of this paper is a bit tricky, because (it's been known for a long time) permutative categories do *not* have a symmetric monoidal tensor product. Not symmetric monoidal *as a category*. But, what we show, is that it is symmetric monoidal *as a bicategory*. And, we include enough details so you can see just where the difference occurs.
The paper has a lot more. It includes many of the basic things that go along with tensor products, and the details of how they work in this setting. If you're really into that kind of thing, I think you'll find it useful!
Here, I just want to add a couple of weird/neat things: (1) coproducts via the Gray tensor product; (2) subtleties about the monoidal unit.
1. The direct sum (coproduct) of permutative categories comes from the Gray tensor product! For permutative categories A and B, you can form one-object 2-categories ΣA and ΣB. Then their Gray tensor product, ΣA ⊠ ΣB, is another 1-object 2-category, and it has a permutative category C of 1- and 2-cells.
That permutative category C is the direct sum A ⊕ B. We also give a straightforward objects-and-morphisms definition, but I think the connection with the Gray tensor product is neat. This direct sum is equivalent (not isomorphic) to the cartesian product!
2. The monoidal unit, S, is also known as the natural number category. It's objects are natural numbers, and it's morphisms are given by permutations of n-elements sets. A subtle but apparently important fact is that the 2-unitors are not strict.
This *seems* related to corresponding monoidal unit subtleties for (a) EKMM S-modules, where S is the sphere spectrum, and (b) Elmendorf-Mandell M1-modules (in pointed multicategories). We don't have a mathematical statement of this relationship, just a feeling we can't put into words.
Thanks for reading! If you want to know more, go check that paper out. It's long, but the details are relatively straightforward. We tried to organize it so thoroughly that people can find what interests them with relative ease. An appendix about symmetric monoidal bicategories marks all the data that are trivial (or not) for permutative categories! A coherence theorem makes checking the nontrivial part pretty easy.
(I think this diagram looks a little like a giant crab face.)
@nilesjohnson - cool stuff! Good to see you here! When you say
"The direct sum (coproduct) of permutative categories comes from the Gray tensor product! "
is this is a coproduct in the 1-categorical sense or only in the 2-categorical sense? (Hmm, maybe any 2-categorical coproduct can be improved to a 1 -categorical one?)
Btw, here's a list of some cool folks here on Mathstodon:
You'll be on it soon.
@johncarlosbaez oh, yeah it's a coproduct in a *bi*categorical sense; adjoint equivalence instead of isomorphism. I'm sure there's a more precise term I should have used, but here's the precise statement.
Wierdly, if one restricts to *strict* symmetric monoidal functors for the hom sets, then that equivalence is an isomorphism, so it's a 1-categorical coproduct. (That's on the next page, but I don't know what to make of it.)
@nilesjohnson - Thanks! Nice!
Btw you may not have noticed it since it showed up in a funny context, but I did a bunch of 1-categorical work on PROPs here:
especially in the appendix, where we take advantage of a certain multisorted Lawvere theory whose algebras are PROPs.
@johncarlosbaez oh, I did not know about that; thanks! Donald and I have another thing coming out soon with more about multilinearity and connections to K-theory, so I should think about how this connects to that too.
@nilesjohnson Nice! Will this produce something nice when used as a codomain for TQFTs? What applications in stable homotopy do you have in mind?
@upennig oh, that's a *very* good question!!! You're right that we didn't do all this algebra just because we really like algebra :) I don't think I can say more about it today, but I gave a detail-free talk about it earlier this year: Graded Picard categories and the 2-type of the sphere.
@nilesjohnson Oh wow! Thank you for the slides!
@upennig Enjoy! I think this stuff is super cool, but I'm nervous about how long it's taken us just to pin down all the details for the ungraded tensor product.
@nilesjohnson It looks very nice!