Another sunny day for the #ArtAdventCalendar.
I'm frankly astonished by this one. It's absolutely not a subject I would choose - it involves painting people, eek! - and I did it as part of an online workshop, all of which would normally result in something that would go in the bin, and certainly not be shown to anyone!
But this is atmospheric, I think, and if not actually accurate, it is at least lively.
This, is the sort of Painting I absolutely love.
Kind of 'impressionist' I would call it.
@virtuosew This is really atmospheric and beautiful. One can feel the heat, sunshine and cool beneath the shadows.
@lebeninbunt Thank you!
@SkyGreen Thank you!
@virtuosew I love this one. Makes me want to walk into the scene
@mariashanle Well, it's the second or third of the five villages of the Cinque Terre, and I'm sure the restaurant is still there!
@mariashanle More accurately - it was in Vernazza!
@virtuosew oooh, now I have a place to actively fantasize about. Thank you!
@mariashanle Always happy to share delightful places (although I'm told it is so crowded with tourists these days that it is hard to see it at all.)
@virtuosew Lovely! You really caught the feeling of summer here.
@JD_Cunningham Thank you!
I like it. A nice unity to it. The people aren't people, they're shapes: suggestions on a par with the rest of the image!