Leslie Lamport, of LaTeX fame, is a very accomplished mathematician and computer scientist with a Turing award for his work on “fundamental contributions to the theory and
practice of distributed and concurrent systems”. He just published a draft of his new book:
"A science of concurrent programs"
True to his pedagogic approach to everything he does, "The book assumes only that you know the math one learns before entering a university." Even the appendices are fantastic. Can only wish I'll remain this lucid at his 82 years old.
@albertcardona I’m arguing with someone (on a different thread) about how AI should (?) change education.
This is *exactly* what I mean by “good writing is good thinking.” It’s so good that I want to read on, even though this is very much not my area, just for the pleasure of the radiant clarity.
@albertcardona nearly the most underrated computer scientist of the century. The Byzantine Generals work, and special relativity based time in programs, are like things dropped from the future.
@albertcardona Also a wicked sense of humour. Chapeau!
Now you got me wondering if the 1:3 ratio threshold between traitors and loyals applies to the fediverse servers...