So the beginning of this year was quite busy. A few highlights:
- I presented a paper on the mu-calculus at Fixed Points in Computer Science, at Naples. I showed that with multiple modalities satisfying quite strong conditions, we can express more complicated properties using more fixed-points; this is in contrast with unimodal S5, where fixed-points express no new properties.
See the paper here:
- I got a paper accepted on CiE. I'll present it this summer. Here I talk about higher-order feedback Turing machines; machines which can access oracles with halting information of computations of the same type. I've also presented about them at CCR at Nagoya; sides here:
- I gave two presentations on ongoing work in intuitionistic modal logic, in Japan. The more complete slides are here:
- I also have two papers under review, probably will receive the reviews soon. And also two short papers that should be finished by summer.
In the middle of all of that I also had lots of presentations/events. Looking forward to May and June, where I'll stay in Vienna and write some (a lot of?) things down.